All (pundits) have something to say about Palin, while most don't have a clue as to what she represents, or are incapable of critical analysis. These scornful voices emanate from those who simply do not understand what lies in the hearts and minds of people such as Sarah Palin. What many of us do understand is simply that we do not care who is President; we care who is "Presidential."
Michael Hauschild over at American Thinker provides thoughtful commentary on what it means to be "Presidential" and expectations that many Americans have when it comes to their President . ~Jackie~
Having sorted through the flotsam and jetsam for the last year of what those who scorn Sarah Palin have to say, I'd like to offer a little down-home, Nebraska fly-over country armchair musing.Let's address the "pundits" first. They fall into three classes; first you have the Roves and the Gingriches, the big guns no longer in power. They're on the wane -- Gingrich is nearly irrelevant and Rove is hanging on through the grace of the Fox Powerbrokers. He's like the incest born offspring on display at the carnival sideshows of my youth. Parade him out; wring what juice is left in his continence as his notoriety evolves from architect to anachronism. More